For years, the SPAIC agency has been a thorn in Anfer’s side, S.P.A.I.C. has been trying to take over Anfer, undermine them,make ANFER’S technology… THEIRS. S.P.A.I.C. believes Anfer is the same as Crasher. The Anfer woman just wish for their society, and their way of life to exists. The Anfer women don’t seek conquest.
S.P.A.I.C. doesn’t believe them.
Anfer has had enough.
its war. Either Anfer, or the S.P.A.I.C., must be eradicated. War is declared.
Crasher sees an opportunity . They enter the war.
a secret meeting is arranged. a location is picked.
there, the factions will meet…fight…until one remains.
Anfer Wars.
Tammy Woo appears courtesy of Dale Car. Dale no longer has a Deviant art account
but hes active on pixiv,DISCORD, and also has a patreon page
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