Tales of the Heartless takes place on another world….PLAT!
Pirate captain Terlinda Loran(AKA Terlinda the Heartless) takes over her mother’s ship…The Heartless….and her all female crew…
and searches the seas for plunder! in this first story…her travels takes her on a mission to save her world….
her only male crew member is her lazy brother Jake.
Things get more dire for the world of Plat:
Terlinda and Meagan are now prisoners of the Kalan amazons…and are doomed to die in their arena
WHAT!!!! The Little Scorpion…is BACK? HOW????
And…if Capt. BloodHair wasn’t ENOUGH for the Pirates to worry about…NOW….Goddess Kalan’s most POWERFUL priestess….Cylindra(Empress of the Granley Empire) is ready to help her Goddess turn Plat into a Hellish PIT!!!!!
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