Tales of the HEARTLESS!!!!

Tales of the Heartless takes place on another world….PLAT!
Pirate captain Terlinda Loran(AKA Terlinda the Heartless) takes over her mother’s ship…The Heartless….and her all female crew…
and searches the seas for plunder! in this first story…her travels takes her on a mission to save her world….
her only male crew member is her lazy brother Jake.

Guest starring Megan the Pirate Hunter….a character by my friend Pumpmonger(the same guy that created Red)

Captain Belle….nicknamed Captain Blood Hair(I LOVE that nickname) is sent by her nation Terga to bring the Pirates to justice
Captain Blood Hair belongs to ChickFighter(chickfighter@deviantart.com) she also came up with that cool nickname… I love it!


Follow the Adventures of the women of Plat!

The Terga Navy is the most powerful Navy on Plat…they have many innovations…such as Solar powered engines..that power their ships along when there is little wind for their sails…also solar powered cannons….they are manually loaded…then fired with solar power.