Hi. some of you may know I have a patreon page. it hasn’t gone very well. Sleeker’s new posts have been updating over there. I want to announce, that when Sleeker Book 3 is finished on Patreon, I will be uploading Sleeker’s comic here and on Deviant art and pixiv, from now on, and posting a totally different comic…JAYBOOK-Combat exclusively on Patreon. I had hopes that the patreon page would go better than it has, but I guess my work isn’t good enough to pay a buck for. LOL! oh well. maybe in the future you folks out there will think it will be worth a buck.any way, I’ll always upload comics here on this site, and on other places totally free. Hope you continue reading. A big thanks to you steady readers who visit here. I know you are here. luckily I installed a bot counter, that tells me how many views the site gets are real visitors, and how many are bots. Its great there are a few steady real folks, who visit here often. thanks very much for supporting my web site. I hope that some of you let me know who you are, and drop a comment or two, or even an email, if you feel like it. Thanks again.
Monies never come easy or simply. It’s great you started your own thing. Not too many worries about what you post here? Now this is YOUR place to shine. Use the other sites to lure them here. Then -SLAM DOWN to the mat of their minds….. and let yourself fllooooow. 😀
thanks for checking out this site. Yes I plan to promote it more. I dont get many comments but there is a steady readership here. I had a bot counter installed to tell me which hits are bots, and which hits are real readers. Its good to finally see this site grow.